In case you missed it, Facebook head honcho Mark Zuckerberg once shared his one rule for hiring people to work in the largest social network on the planet. It goes like this:
“I will only hire someone to work directly for me if I would work for that person.”
Zuckerberg explains:
In an alternate universe, if things were different and I didn’t start the company, I would be happy to work for that person. Or if Facebook just disappeared and I had to go find something else to go do, then I’d be happy to go work for that person.
Hiring at a high level
This hiring philosophy is no mere quotable quote; it helped Facebook surge from a promising tech startup to one of the biggest Fortune 500 companies in less than a decade. Facebook’s workforce evolved from having 700 employees in late 2008 to over 3,000 by February 2012. As of December 31, 2019, Facebook has 44,942 workers.
The rule is particularly applicable when hiring high-level positions. The point is that for you to be an effective leader in your organisation, you should be open enough to set aside your ego and get someone you hold in high regard.
Sel Watts, founder of management consulting firm wattsnext thinks so too. Watts told SmartCompany:
“In a small business, we tend to hire for lower level roles so [Zuckerberg’s rule] may not necessarily apply… but what I tell my clients is to make sure you hire people you like to work with.”
She adds:
“If you’re at your staff Christmas party and you’re sitting next to someone you don’t want to sit next to, why are they working in your business?”
After all, we spend a considerable amount of time with our staff (remote or otherwise), so at the very least, we shouldn’t be struggling to establish some rapport with them. But you don’t have to be their BFF either; this can actually be a problem if you need to crack the whip.
What’s important is that your employees should fit in your organisation’s culture.
Develop your recruitment plan
Important: Hiring the best person for a job means you shouldn’t compromise on quality just to get some work done. You’ll just end up hurting your own company in the process.
Recruiting staff takes time and you must follow a plan. If not, you’re just blindly stumbling along and relying on chance. Here are a few things you should do to bolster your recruitment plan and hire the best talent.
- Perform a SWOT analysis of your team. You can then recruit new members to address the weaknesses you find.
- Identify the ideal person for the job. Write down the skills and personality they have.
- Use creative ways when searching for talent (e.g. social recruiting)
- Develop a rigorous interview process and integrate behavioural interview tactics.
- Do a thorough background check. Make sure you check each candidate’s references to verify their achievements.
Recruit more effectively
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