Setting your own hours, customizing your workspace according to your needs, working in your pajamas, skipping the traffic jams, waking up late—there’s a lot to love about working from home. What used to be just a dream for many has become a norm now with millions worldwide shifting to online jobs.
The thing is, now that you’re on your own, you are more susceptible to feeling isolated. Not to mention that it’s going to be a challenge to maintain an active lifestyle when your bed keeps calling out to you. These take a huge toll on your work performance and even your personal relationships.
The good news is that it’s possible to keep yourself happy, productive and fit even with a remote worm arrangement. You simply need to develop the following habits.
1 – Establish a Routine
The whole point of working from home is not having to stick to a rigid schedule. Even so, your days need structure to keep your chill time separate from your work hours. This also helps you stay organized, thereby reducing the mental strain.

Whether you’re more productive in the morning or at night, it’s crucial that you consider meal times and breaks in your timetable. Be mindful of when you should be working and when you should clock out too. It’s easy to get swept away by your to-dos and run yourself to the ground when no one is keeping watch.
2 – Do Some Exercise
How well you’ve slept, what you’ve eaten, and how much you’ve exercised affect not just your well-being but also your productivity. Sadly, when things get hectic, staying active is usually the first thing to be relegated. Doing so is equivalent to digging your own grave, so get your body moving.

Anyway, you don’t need to perform a full-blown workout routine that targets all of your muscles. Going on a 15-minute walk everyday already reduces your chances of developing coronary heart disease, diabetes and other obesity-related conditions, for instance. A few yoga stretches go a long way too.
3 – Designate a Workspace
As mentioned in a previous article on the basics of a home office, you must have a space that’s exclusive for working. You can always head to a coffee shop or the public library to break the monotony, but you need a private spot when you’re at home.

Why is this important? Because you need to set boundaries between you and your housemates. Having a dedicated workspace lets them know when you shouldn’t be disturbed. Even if you do live alone, having a separate workspace means fewer chances of getting distracted by the television or refrigerator.
4 – Maintain Social Contact
Many people choose to shift to a home-based job because they want to avoid office politics or water cooler talks. Often, they prefer to interact with colleagues only when they have an urgent concern. However, a study by PLOS Medicine states that too much isolation can be as damaging as chain smoking.

You might not want to, but stay in the loop as much as possible. Perhaps you can suggest a weekly video chat even if it’s just to get project updates. Consider attending gatherings if any of your remote assistants and co-workers happen to be in your city as well.
5 – Watch Your Diet
Being that you work from home, your kitchen is only a couple of steps away from your workstation. The temptation to snack on chips and guzzle soft drinks is real. Don’t expect to have the energy for a full day of work when you only have Pringles and Pepsi for breakfast though. Eat food that makes your body function better.

Stock up on whole grains, yoghurt, nuts, dried fruits, and crackers instead of junk food. Consume a good balance of carbohydrates, protein, and leafy greens as much as possible. If you ever have the munchies, try healthier alternatives like sweet potato chips for crisps or banana bread for cake.
6 – Get Dressed Up
Some remote assistants must follow a dress code if they conduct a lot of video calls. A top with a collar is the minimum requirement. Slacks are not necessary unless the whole body is going to be shown. If you only do chat, change out of your pajamas at the very least so you can mentally prepare for the day.

It’s understandable that you want to be comfortable in the privacy of your own home, but you’re more prone to dozing off when you’re in sleepwear. Wear something that’s decent enough for runs to your nearest 7/11. An outfit that you can exercise in would be even better to motivate you to stretch.
7 – Rest Your Eyes
Spending a whole day in front of a screen really strains your eyes. It would come as no surprise if you suffer from headaches, dryness, or stiff shoulders, among other aches. This is no excuse for you to slack off and leave your work for 6 hours, however.

Follow the 20-20-20 rule, which is to take your eyes off the screen every 20 minutes then stare at a focal point 20 feet away for 20 seconds. You may also take a power nap between 10 to 20 minutes for a boost in cognitive performance and alertness. Try to keep it under 30 minutes to avoid feeling groggy when you wake up.
Be a Healthy Remote Worker
Working from home is a luxury worth appreciating. However, it requires a different routine from that of a traditional office job. It has a lot more distractions and temptations, making it easy to for you to fall into an unhealthy lifestyle.
Make sure that you’re taking the necessary steps to stay mentally and physically fit as possible. Develop the 7 habits that we’ve outlined above to become a healthier and happier online worker.
Do you think you can adopt the habits above? You might be ready to find a remote job now. Remote Workmate can connect you with clients who are looking for productive workers like you.
Check our job listings and apply today!