What advertising professionals know and small business owners don’t is that messages can spread like wild fire even when you don’t have the budget to pay for media exposure. The trick is to create an advert that is so creative, unusual or shocking that will become a newsworthy event or a piece of content that others will share over and over again.
The $100 advertising budget
If your advertising budget is of only $100, you really need to get creative but you can create something really great. $99 will buy you a lifesize cardboard cutout and if you brainstorm about what it should represent, you can strike gold.
What would make you stop and take a better look? Is it a celebrity? An average Joe in an unusual pose? A witty message on the back of T-Shirt on that lifesize cardboard cutout?
When you see some of the implemented offline marketing ideas in our new SlideShare presentation, new ideas will start to pop into your head and we’re sure you’ll get to a great $100 budget solution that will put your brand name on the map.